Alphabetical Index of The EF-Hand Calcium-Binding Proteins Data Library

Entries in bold are main subsections

Angles, dihedral, in CaBPs
Angles, inter-helical, in CaBPs
Assignments, NMR, for CaBPS
Binding constants, calcium and other metals:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Calcium binding constants:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Chromosomal localization of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Calcium lignads:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Contacts, inter-residue, in CaBPs
Dihedral angles in CaBPs
Evolutionary relationships of CaBPs
Functional information about a CaBP:
protein home pages, pages with information about targets of CaBPs or search the CaBP general information database
Gene length or structure of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Genomic information about a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Hydrogen bonds in CaBPs
Inter-helical angles in CaBPs
Inter-residue contacts in CaBPs
Interspecies sequence alignment for a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Ligands, of calcium:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Metal ion binding constants of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Molecular weight of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Mutations of CaBPs: protein
home pages or home pages for individual residues in the EF-hand consensus sequence
NMR assignments for CaBPS
PDB files for a CaBP:
protein home pages, PDB file list, or search the CaBP general information database
pI of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Post-translational modifications of CaBPs:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Promoter for a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Pseudogenes of CaBPs:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Regulation of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Sequence alignment of all proteins in the library:
main alignment
Sequence alignment, interspecies, for a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Solvent accessible surface area of a CaBP:
lists of per atom solvent accessible surface areas or cgi script for calculating the per residue soplvent accessible surface area
Sources (organisms and tissues) for a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Subcellular localization of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Structural information about a CaBP:
protein home pages, structural info section, or search the CaBP general information database
Targets of CaBPs:
protein home pages, pages with information about targets of CaBPs or search the CaBP general information database
Tissue localiztion of a CaBP:
protein home pages or search the CaBP general information database
Yeast calmodulin, mutational studies

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