Calcium-Binding Proteins Picture Gallery

Favorite graphics-- a collection of some personal favorites
General pictures of individual proteins
Calcium coordination and calcium-binding loops in EF-hand CaBPs
Conformational changes in calmodulin and related proteins
Target peptide binding
The conserved methionines in calmodulin
Comparisons of different EF-hand calcium-binding proteins
The Myosin light chains and the semi-open conformation
Internal-- these graphics will be made public as soon as the work relating them is published

Use the search of the header information for pages in the data library to locate graphics about specific topics. Enter the word graphic as one of the search terms to find only pages with graphics.

This gallery includes selected graphics about calcium binding proteins. Unless otherwise noted, all graphics were created by Melanie Nelson. All graphics are gifs. The actual picture quality of the postscript and rgb files is higher than the quality of the pictures displayed here.
All rights reserved. Please do not use these pictures without permission! Much higher resolution versions of these figures will be cheerfully supplied. To request a figure, or if you have any questions or comments, e-mail

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