Per Residue Solvent Accessible Surface Calculator

This is a work in progress! Only some error checking procedures are in place. Specifically, while the program will sometimes tell you if you have asked for information on a residue that does not exist in a given protein, it will sometimes just print the "information," with the surface area equal to 0.00.

Access to the solvent accessible surface area information for the model of calbindin in the open conformation is restricted to Vanderbilt.
If you are accessing this page from a non-Vanderbilt computer, do not click on the "model of open calbindin" box. The program will not work properly.

Get the solvent accessible surface area for:
Residue number in

Also get the surface area for the homologous residue in these proteins:

all 1CFC apo calmodulin C domain
apo calbindin 1DMO apo calmodulin C domain
calcium-loaded calbindin calcium-loaded calmodulin C domain
model of open calbindin 1TOP apo troponin C N domain
1CFC apo calmodulin N domain 1TOP calcium-loaded troponin C C domain
1DMO apo calmodulin N domain 1TNW calcium-loaded troponin C
calcium-loaded calmodulin N domain

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